Saturday, November 20, 2010

Where can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?

I have a 2001 toyota celica and I dont know too much about cars, but I'm totally capable. I've watched a friend change my spark plugs once and it wasnt like any other car, american car I guess you could say. Anyone know where I can get a step by step process on how to change them so I dont mess it up...thanks!Where can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?
not hard,

-remove plastic cover top of engine, 2 bolt and 2 nut,

-lift up plastic cover

-4 coil pack (each one is held down by one ten mm bolt)

-disconnect connector to all coil pack,

-un-bolt the 4 bolt

-pull up coil pack set a side

-spark plags are inside the holes

-remove and replace

-reverse to install.

RUN INTO PROBLEM E-MAIL MEWhere can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?
pick up a repair manual such as Haynes or Chilton. Why are you only changing your spark plugs? Check your fluids and filters.Where can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?
Well i do not know where to go exactly. Try going into a local shop not a dealership ask them if they have alldata (inquiry database for automobiles). Them them year, make, model engine size. Be sure to tell them your low on cash. (so they dont charge you, usually you can find a sucker. Or go to a parts store and by a tech book special for your vehicle. DO it yourself guide books are helpful.Where can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?
AUTO ZONE have Haynes manuals for your car that can help you step by step but you also need to buy new tools like an extension to reach the your old plugs if you can find them; good luck!Where can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?
Try picking up either a Chilton's manual, or a Haynes manual. Usually they have a section on regular maintenance and they go step by step on smaller repairs.Where can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?
well i only kno how to do it on american cars i dont like japanese cars or what ever they areWhere can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?
your spark plugs should not need to be changed, they should last several years these days.

If you do,

wrap a cloth around the spanner so that when you slip you don't damage another part of the car.

only take off one plug lead and replace that plug at one time, then you won't get the leads mixed up. Each lead must be on the plug it is meant for.

==%26gt;pay special attention to how tight the manual says the plugs should be done up. If you tighten a plug too much you can break the thread in the motor, this is VERY bad news for your bank balance.Where can I find step by step instructions on how to change my sparkplugs?
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