Look in your yellow pages under small engine repair or lawn mower repair. Ft.Knox, KY hereHow can I find someone to spring tune my riding lawn mower (oil change, sparkplugs, sharpen blades, etc.).?
you have a home depot where you live am sure.they will have every thing you need.new balds /oil/oil filters/and the gas solution for your engine.it easy try doing it yourself.good luckHow can I find someone to spring tune my riding lawn mower (oil change, sparkplugs, sharpen blades, etc.).?
no oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?that i know ofHow can I find someone to spring tune my riding lawn mower (oil change, sparkplugs, sharpen blades, etc.).?
Do you have a ok person around you..., its alot cheaper to DIY or get a friend to do.... the oil will range from $2 to 5 bucks... airfilter around 10, to sharpen the blades can be done free or for a couple bucks, spark plug no more then 2 or 3 bucks. AND the used oil can be dropped off at a autoparts store. Most small engine shops will charge double or triple what you can do yourself.