i just baught this car for $600 from my buddy, the car is freshly inspected 3-09 and is in great shape besides 2 dents. the car has 186K and i have ordered a few parts to hopefully make this car last a little longer, if you have any tips or anything useful i'd greatly apperciate it.
ive baught new headers cause the stock ones are from 94' and the heat shield rattles and annoys me so i got new one for $62 from ebay, i also baught a new intake$40(i'm not trying to turn it into a ricer) new sparkplugs $20, oil filter$ 10 and am getting a fuel filter $10 aswell...i am going to get highmileage oil when i change the oil this weekend as well as a tranny flush....any other suggestions would be great! thanks, richard94%26039; accord with 186K, how to make it run %26amp; last longer?
It sounds as if you had it checked out and its ok. Just keep up with the regular maintenance. Change the oil, belts, and filters.
The serpentine belts are on the front of your engine block. They run off the crank and powers your a/c compressor, alternator, power steering, and water pump.
Check the timing belt too. That connects your crank to the cams. If it slips or breaks your car will either run poorly or not start at all.
Don't worry about warming the engine up before driving. Its a waste of money. Just don't drive the it hard until the engine is warmed up.94%26039; accord with 186K, how to make it run %26amp; last longer?
Looks like you're doing all the right things. I would flush all the fluids and just stay on top of the oil. Seems like you're gonna give it a basic tune up and it shouldn't give you any serious problems. Don't forget to replace the serpentine belt.94%26039; accord with 186K, how to make it run %26amp; last longer?
You really have two belts. One runs the alternator and the other runs the power steering and A/C. You really don't want either to break.
Also, don't forget the timing belt if not done already.94%26039; accord with 186K, how to make it run %26amp; last longer?
all of the above are correct..to make it last longer? find a low mileage engine..ull realize all the power u gained back from a low milage engine ..for a $600 1994 accord its well worth it to give it a new heart and sell ur motor for the price u bought the car for.my 2 pennies94%26039; accord with 186K, how to make it run %26amp; last longer?
Tips to make it last:
1. Change the oil. Frequently.
2. Warm the engine before driving (painful to do with gas at $3.75 but I consider it an investment in making the engine last longer. I think it's working).
3. Go gently on the accelerator.
4. If there is anything wrong, have it fixed promptly.
My current vehicle is a 1990 plymouth voyager mini-van. Currently at 325,000 miles and still running well. Previous vehicle was identical year and model, had 264,000 when tranny went out and it was cheaper to buy another vehicle. Vehicle prior to that was GMC Jimmy with about 325,000 miles on it when I gave it away.94%26039; accord with 186K, how to make it run %26amp; last longer?
ur going to need to change ur timing belt and head gasket and ur water pump its a thing ur going to need if ur going to keep it for a long time